Monday, November 23, 2009

Ah, the joys of online roleplaying (Part 1)

So right now, I'm working on the Opening Post for a Fangorn thread, trying to formulate the summary for another idea, and work on prompts for a third thread.

And I'm tired. I love the Plaza.

Oh, Halloween...

So I was a rat on the Plaza ( - the best Lotr site around. Tell your friends), and that was cool.

Now I'm "Niv", which, according to my deductions, means oak.

I think I liked the rat better.
But oh well.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blahh... (Part 1)

I'm tired. And it's only 5:47 PM. (Or, for those people who use a 24 hour day, 17:57).

And I'm not hungry, because we had people over for lunch, and I'm still full.
And I'm not getting any more book or movie writing done, so: Blahh...

Maybe I'll go take a nap with my music playing loud.

I despair for the American Youth

Yesterday, while hanging out with some younger folks (keep in mind that I'm just fifteen years of age), one asked how old I was. "Fifteen" I replied. The kid then said, "Dude, you're old!" and actually meant it.

He was thirteen.

America, despair.

The rest of the world, tremble in fear before the oncoming march of laziness and stupidity. The war is on your borders. Fight!



So, after countless migrations across many blogs that I never actually used, I've settled upon this as my home away from my home away from my home away from (etc..).

In this blog I will regale my readers (if I get any of them!!) with stories, thoughts, poems, songs, and, possibly, philosophical musings.
